Luz. Competence's activity

This week's homework consists in elaborating a multicompetencial activity, where not only the linguistic competence has to be practised, but also some other competences. The proposal of activity that I want to develop is related to the topic of animals and zoos. First, I am going to explain the development of it and later, the competences that will be worked. 

The core of the activity is going to be the next YouTube video:

In this video, two men that are talking about both of the pros and cons of zoos and their impact on animals.

First, we are going to do a warm-up, talking about if they like animals, if they have a pet, if they have ever been to a zoo and so other questions related to animals doing a brainstorming. With this, we are working on the linguistic competence

Then, we are going to see and to listen to the video the first time. Later, a second time taking notes of the general ideas contained in the video. Here, we are also working on the linguistic competence too. 

The next step is to make an infographics with some useful resource (as Canva) where they can think about some other pros and cons of the zoos. This could be done as homework and they are going to work the digital competence. Moreover, these infographics are going to be exhibited all along the High School hall, trying to increase their extrinsic motivation. 

Finally, we are going to hold a debate, expressing our opinion and learning to respect other's insights. In this way, we are boosting their critical thinking and working on the social and civic competence.

In conclusion, this activity not only works the linguistic competence, but also the digital and the social and civic competence, entitling it as a very useful tool to practice oral expressión, vocabulary, grammar and the configuration of their own thinking. 


  1. A actividade está ben, pero deberías de diseñar unha actividade para facer mentras ven o vídeo, por exemplo, TRUE/FALSE, ou unha lista de opinións nas que teñan que indicar que persoa expresa cada unha. Así axudas a que centren a atención.


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